Categories for customer journey
The modern customer journey is more complex than ever.
For e-commerce businesses, ensuring the comfort of customer experiences throughout the customer journey is a make-or-break situation.
You know the saying, 'first impressions are everything'? Yeah, not so much anymore. Thanks to technology, customers have evolved, and they expect the best.
What exactly is a customer journey? What does it usually look like, and what can it tell you about your site condition? Can user behavior analysis be used to improve and map customer journeys?
What makes for the bad UX and UI experience? Is it too flashy design? Or maybe not user-friendly content? Or the misplacement of CTA buttons?
Most businesses want to improve the customer experience across all of their digital properties. Including websites, social media, blogs, and so on.
When analyzing a website, its users and their actions, we can look at a whole range of indicators. For example, we can analyze the number of users, CRO, sales.