Categories for user behavior analytics
You’re watching heatmaps, replays, and clickmaps pile up - and yet, it feels like you’re spinning your wheels. Why isn’t this data bringing the breakthroughs you hoped for?
Ever spend hours crafting the perfect landing page, only to see bounce rates skyrocket? Traffic seems good, but conversions are lagging. The design looks polished, yet users just aren't clicking where you expect them to. What's the missing piece?
This article will guide you where to find the valuable information for User Behavior Analysis, exploring different tools and resources.
As of March 2024, website owners using Google products like Analytics, Ads, and Tag Manager are required to implement Google Consent Mode 2.0 (GCM v2).
Understanding where you've been is often the key to navigating where you're going. — Cheesy as it may sound, it's relatable not just in life but also in digital experience analytics.
In the world of web analysis, deciphering data and uncovering valuable insights can be a challenging task, much like solving a puzzle.
In the fast-paced digital landscape, where data is key to making informed decisions, the importance of building webpages for easy analysis cannot be overstated.
Why settle for a one-size-fits-all approach when you can harness the power of user data for customized solutions?