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Waterfall events

👉 Traffic tracking

Traffic tracking events help you use visitor activity related to web pages or navigation. They include events like page loading or tracking navigation origin (referrer).

Waterfall and Goal events: Traffic tracking

Page load

Page loads are typically selected as the first step in a waterfall. Use this event to track when someone loads a page – that is, visits a specific URL. Several page loads can be used for complex conversion tracking when users need to visit several pages before they reach a conversion goal. You need to enter a relative URL here – this means you can type in only a part of the address, usually a page name like cart.php or product.html.

To make your life easier, you can use shortcuts to define a part of the page address: Starts with – Type the beginning of the page address to see possible options. Select the one you want to track in the Waterfall.

If you type “/product”, we’ll track visits with URL

✅ “/product.html”, “/product-1.html”, “/product-promo.html”

❌ NOT “/shoe-product.html”

Ends with – Type in the ending part of the page address to see the possible options. Select the one you want to track in the Waterfall.

If you type “product.html”, we’ll track visits with URL

✅ “/product.html”, “/shoe-product.html”

❌ NOT “product-1.html”, “product-promo.html”

Matches – Type in the exact part of the page address you want to track in the Waterfall.

If you type “/product.html”, we’ll only track visits with URL

✅ “/product.html”

❌ NOT “/product-1.html”, “/product-promo.html”, “/shoe-product.html”

Contains (regexp) – You can use a regular expression to match a page name. This is useful when you want to record page loads whose URLs can vary depending on the use case, for example, the page name gets appended different parameters.

If you type “product”, we’ll track visits with URL

✅ “/product.html”, “/product-1.html”, “/shoe-product.html”, “/product-promo.html” etc.


Use Referrer when you want to track visitors coming to you from a specific address. This is useful when you want to inspect what happens when people come from social media or search engines. The value you need to enter here is the source address. Type in the entire URL or part of it.

You can type in a full referrer address or use dedicated shortcuts that will allow you to work with page names or their parts instead of complete URLs.

Starts with – Type the beginning of the referrer address.

Ends with – Type the ending of the referrer address.

Matches – Type in the full URL of the referrer.

Contains (regexp) – User regular expression to cover parts of the referrer address.

👉 Pointer

Pointer events are the ones related to direct user actions on your page. You can define a step based on clicks on a specific element like a link or button. You can also track page scrolling.

Waterfall and Goal events: Pointer


Click event allows you to base a step on specific elements that users click while navigating your pages. You can use buttons, links, images, etc.

You need to enter the XPath of the element that receives clicks. If you’re new to XPath, see XPath extraction.


The scroll event allows you to track users who vertically scrolled your website by a specific number of pixels. You can define the preferred scroll height in pixels to mark user action who gets to a particular area of the page, for example, below the fold.

**TIP:**Enter large amounts of pixels to cover significant scrolling events. Note also that the pixels used in the Waterfall are calculated by the visitor browser. You need to verify these numbers by displaying the page using various screen resolutions. This is especially important if the code of your page uses relative units of measure like em or rem.

👉 Form

Our Waterfall allows you to mirror user actions when they work with forms. The events are very detailed and help you follow visitor actions in form fields. These actions include putting mouse cursor in the field, moving out of the field, or form submission.

Waterfall and Goal events: Form

To indicate a specific form element, you need to enter the XPath of that element. If you’re new to XPath, see XPath extraction.

Focus in

Focus in represents the visitor action when they click or tab into a form field. As you can see, the event is recorded regardless of the input device people use to navigate through your form. Whether they use a mouse, keyboard, or other tools is not essential, as the primary thing here is the focus on the field.


You can track whether someone edits a form, enters new data, or changes the field content. All typing, deleting, and overwriting match this event.

Focus out

Focus out is the event when someone moves the pointer out of a form field. In other words, you can use this event to track when users stop typing in a field and move forward.


Form submit is the event when someone clicks the submit button, and data entered in the form is sent to your server. You can use this event as a shortcut to creating a click event on a submit button. The Submit event is more reliable than Click because it is based on the actual event of submitting the form and not just clicking a button. Note that when users click the form submit button, this may result in a data validation error. When there are user input errors, forms aren’t submitted. Our event registers only successful submissions.

IMPORTANT: Submit may not work if you have opt-ins or Captcha to click. To be sure that the form was successfully submitted, add one more step to your Waterfall. The best way is to track the page-load of the form submission confirmation page.

👉 Custom events

A custom event is an event you can send to CUX based on the specific business model you’ve implemented on your site.